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Constantly seeking to improve
Our company was founded in 2001, when we acquired the grinding department of the former De Pretto Escher Wyss in Schio. We are specialised in the hydroelectric sector and, in particular, in the fabrication and maintenance of Pelton, Francis, and Kaplan turbine components.
In our constant research to improve on Quality, we have been awarded several certifications, including the Certification of the Company Quality Management System - UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System for welding - UNI EN ISO 3834-3 In October 2008, Asto changed its company name passing from a sole trader to a limited liability company. In 2014, we moved to a new location, having built a 1500 square-metre shed where we could expand our production capacity to include pieces up to 6,000 mm in diameter and weighing up to 40,000 kg. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress,
Our Location
©2018 _ Asto srl
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